FOOD AS A SOCIAL MACHINE, “Street as a museum – a museum as a street” Curated by Nelya Korzhova, Samara, Russia
“Pink Me Not” Curated by Susanna Crispino, Casina Pompeiana, Napoli, Italy
“Fünfzig Zigarren für das Licht der Zukunft” Catalogue Curated by Marcus Neufanger
Pforzheimer Künstler bei „Fünfzig Zigarren für das Licht der Zukunft“ Thomas Kurtz, Pforzheimer Zeitung 21.05.2016
“Arte del Novecento in Basilicata” da Joseph Stella a Giacinto Cerone 1896- 2004″ Curated by Giuseppe Appella, Page 87-88 , Regione and APT Basilicata Ed., 2015
Baustellenbüro “Page Properties”,
Interview with Angelo Bianco, Juliet Magazine #175 / December 2015
“TUR AUF EINER REIN EINER RAUS”, Stadt Pforzheim Edition, Germany 2015
“TLG 2.0” text by Susanna Crispino, catalogue of the VIII Shiryaevo Biennale of Contemporary Art, Museum of Modern, Shiryaevo – Samara, Russia, Baustellenbüro ed., Germany 2014
“Nuove generazioni tra (s)radicamento e cosmopolitismo sperimentale” interview with Barbara Improta, in “Fotografi in Lucania. Verso la decostruzione di un mito”, Master’s Degree thesis in Beni Storico Artistici at the University of Bologna, academic year 2012 – 2013.
Working for Zero in TK-21, http://www.tk-21.com/Working-for-Zero; 2013 –2014
“SCREEN: BETWEEN EUROPE AND ASIA” – VIII Shiryaevo Biennale of Contemporary Art Shiryaevo, catalologue curated by Roman Korzhov and Nelya Korzhova, Edition Center for contemporary art Samara (Volga region Branch of the national Center for Contemporary Arts), Samara, Russia 2013
“Betrachtungsapparat” text by Oliver Brokel, Galerie Asperger, Berlin, Baustellenbüro Ed. , Germany 2013
“Street as a Museum – Museum as a Street” – Catalogue of the International contemporary art festival of Uljanovsk, Uljanovsk Edition Center for contemporary art Samara, Volga region Branch of the national Center for Contemporary Arts, Samara, Russia, 2011
“Hemat archiv”, Text by Susanna Crispino, Dr.Ulrike Niederhofer, Catalogue of the exhibition at the Galerie Vayhinger of Radolfzell, Baustellenbüro Ed., Germany 2013
“I giovani della Basilicata” Text by Antonella Marino, in Arte Mondadori – September – Number 445, Milan 2010
“Das Fundament der Kunst – Die Skulptur und ihr Sockel seit Alberto Giacometti”, Text by Dieter Brunner, Marc Gundel and others, Catalogue of the exhibition, Städtische Museen Heilbronn/Gerhard-Marcks-Haus Bremen/Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Braus Ed., Heilbronn, Germany 2009/2010
“Svenska Landskap”, Text by Heiderose Langer, Catalogue of the exhibiton, Baustellenbüro Edition, Germany 2009
“L’immagine in questione”, Text by Vincenzo Cuomo, Aracne Ed., Rome, Italy 2009
“Turn to Stone”, Text by Giovanna Mancini, Nuovi Segnali Ed., Naples, Italy 2007
“P.S.: Ritratto allo specchio, alla scoperta del senso dell’arte”, Text by Susanna Crispino, catalogue of the exhibition, Casa di tolleranza – Milan, Italy 2007
“Netz Kunst Unterricht – Künstlerische Strategien im Netz und kunstpädagogisches” , text by Sara Burkhardt, Series Art Education, Volume 15, Kopaed Munich Edition, Germany 2007
“2” – “Ein Hut und ein Kräuterlikör – Gastrocnemius”, Mecenate Edition, Foggia, Italy 2006
“Non di sola arte. Viaggio in Italia tra voci e numeri della giovane arte contemporanea”, Text by Giulia Bondi and Silvia Sitton, Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli Ed., Turin, Italy 2006
“Vito Pace Finzione e realtà annullano l’arte”, Text by Piero Ragone, in Mondo Basilicata Number 5, Consiglio Regionale della Basilicata Ed., 2005
“Bühne für ein absurdes Stück”, Text by Thomas Kurz,
Ausstellung mit großer Vito-Pace-Installation im Kunst- und Kunstgewerbeverein Pforzheim – Pforzheimer Zeitung 2005
“Netzkunst-Teilnahme Internetbasiert Projekte, die zur Teilnahme auffordern”, Text by Michael Schacht, Sara Burkhardt, Ernst Wagner BDK Registered Association for Art Pedagogy, Hannover, 2004
“Mir not Mur”, Text by Helen Varley Jamieson in Rhizome.org, November 26 2004
“Picturing Peace”, Text by Helen Varley Jamieson in Rhizome.org October, 2002
“Ein Hut und ein Krauterlikoer”, Text by Irene Ferchel, Catalogue of the exhibition, Kunststiftung Baden – Württemberg – Stuttgart 2002